School Supply List
First Grade
- Hand-sanitizer
- 2 Composition notebooks
- 12 Glue sticks (stock up - more may be needed)
- 1 Pair of scissors (Fiskars work best)
- 1 vinyl 2-pocket folder
- 3 Boxes of 24 crayons
- 2 Dozen SHARPENED pencils (Ticonderoga is best)
- 1 Hard plastic 5 x 8 supply box
- 1 Zippered pencil pouch
- 12 EXPO dry erase markers BLACK (fine tip is best)
- Headphones (have an extra pair at home)
- 2 Black Sharpie markers
- 1 package of 3x3 post-it notes
- 1 set of watercolor paints (8 colors) (Crayola is best)
- 1 Old t-shirt for art class
- Gallon size Zip lock bags
*Please label all supplies with your child's name.*
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back to school sales.
Special Note: The backpack you select for your 1st grader should accommodate a notebook, folder, lunch box, library book and winter jacket. They will not be carrying heavy textbooks. Please keep this in mind when making your selection. Please, no wheels on the backpack
Second Grade
- *Hand-sanitizer
- *1 Hard plastic 5 x 8 pencil box
- *1 Pair of Fiskar scissors
- *1 Dry erase eraser
- *2 Marble composition notebooks
- *1 two-pocket folder
- *1 old t-shirt for art (labeled with your child’s name)
- *Headphones (no earbuds please)
*Please label all above supplies with your child's name.*
- 2 Boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
- 12 black, FINE TIP dry-erase markers
- 1 Dozen glue sticks
- 3 Dozen Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on items during the back to school sales.
Special Note: The backpack you select for your 2nd grader should accommodate a Chromebook, notebook, folder, library book, and lunch box. Please keep this in mind when making your selection.
Please, no wheels on your child’s backpack.
Third Grade
- Hand-sanitizer
- 1 Pencil soft case or box
- Headphones (labeled, to be left in school)
- 5 Composition books (marble cover, 100 sheets, wide ruled, hard cover)
- 3 Two-pocket plastic folders
- 2 Boxes of #2 pencils (12 in a box)
- 1 Box of 24 crayons
- 2 Yellow highlighters
- 2 Glue sticks
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 5 Pink erasers or big erasers
- 1 Box colored pencils (24 pack)
- 6 Expo dry erase markers (fine tip is best, any color)
- Bookbag
- Old t-shirt for art
*Please label all supplies with your child's name.*
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back to school sales.
Please, no wheels on the backpack.
Fourth Grade
- 1 Student Planner
- Hand-sanitizer (for classroom community)
- 1 box of tissues & 1 pack of disinfecting wipes
- 3 packages of #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened, please)
- 1 box of colored pencils or crayons
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 package of glue sticks
- 1 roll of Scotch tape (clear tape)
- 1 package of highlighters
- 1 supply box (to hold supplies)
- 1 package of 3” x 5” index cards
- 5 marble composition notebooks
- 4 - two-pocket folders
- 2 packages of 4 Expo dry erase markers
- 2 Black Sharpie markers
- Headphones (to be kept at school)
- Old t-shirt for art
*Please label all supplies with your child's name.*
Individual class teachers may ask for additional supplies during the school year.
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back to school sales.
Please, no wheels on the backpack.
Fifth Grade
- 1 Student Planner
- Headphones or Earbuds
- Small Hand-sanitizer (for personal use)
- 1 Box of Colored Pencils or 1 Box of 8 Crayons
- 1 Package of 2 Glue Sticks
- 2 Dozen #2 Sharpened Pencils
- 5 Marble Composition Notebooks (100 pages each)
- 6 Two-Pocket Folders - 1 of each: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple
- 3 Pack of Post-its (3” x 3”)
- 1 Pack of Regular Index Cards
- 1 Small Pencil Case
- 3 Dry Erase Markers (fine tip is best)
- 1 Highlighter
- Old T-Shirt for Art
*Please label all supplies with your child’s name and keep extra supplies at home.*
Individual class teachers may ask for additional supplies during the school year.
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back to school sales.
Please, no wheels on the backpack, no Trapper Keepers or Case its.
Mrs. Knoth: Kindergarten Aspire
Supply List 2024 - 2025
- *Standard size bookbag/backpack
- *lunchbox
- *Refillable water bottle (to be filled at home and refilled here)
- 3 top pump hand sanitizers
- 4 packs of baby wipes
- 1 packs of Anti-roll Triangular Crayola crayons
- 1 pack (4) EXPO markers (fine tip)
- *Headphones (no earbuds please)
- 2 Folders: heavy duty plastic
- 10 Elmer’s Glue sticks
- 2 Elmer’s glue
- 1 (4 pack) Play-Doh brand Playdough
- *Soft large pencil case
- 1 pack of primary (thicker) pencils
- 2.5lbs Kinetic Sand (Optional, but highly recommended)
Items may need to be replenished later in the year.
*Please label the starred supplies only with your child’s name.*
Mrs. Mazariego: Grade 1 - 3 Aspire
Supply List 2024 - 2025
- Standard size bookbag/backpack
- 4 packs of baby wipes
- 1 pack of primary (thicker) pencils
- 2 packs of Anti-roll Triangular crayons
- Headphones that cover the ears (no earbuds please)
- 10 Elmers glue sticks
- 2 Elmers Glue
- 1 pack of EXPO dry erase markers
- 2 folders (heavy duty plastic)
- 1 pack of play-doh (4 pack)
- Old, oversized t-shirt or smock for art
- 1 set of watercolor paints
- 1 Yoga mat ( 5 below has great ones!)
- 2.5lbs Kinetic Sand (Optional, but highly recommended)
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back to school sales.
*Please label all supplies, backpack, and lunchbox with your child’s name
Ms. Ostrander: Grade 2 - 4 Aspire
Supply List 2024 - 2025
- Standard size bookbag/backpack
- 4 packs of baby wipes
- 1 Pump Top Hand Sanitizer
- 1 box Peanut Crayons
- 1 pack fine tip Expo markers
- Headphones that cover the ears (no earbuds please)
- 20 glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 Set watercolor paints
- 1 (4 Pack) Playdoh: Standard Size
- 2.5 lbs Kinetic Sand (optional, but highly recommended)
- 1 large box of gallon-size zip-top plastic bags
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back to school sales.
*Please label headphones, backpack, and lunchbox with your child’s name.*
Mrs. O’Hara: Grade 3 - 5 Aspire
Supply List 2024 - 2025
- Standard-sized backpack (no wheeled backpack, please)
- 1 pump-top bottle hand sanitizer
- 6 Glue sticks (stock up - more may be needed)
- 2 bottles liquid Elmers white glue
- 1 Pair of scissors (Fiskars work best)
- 1 box Twistable crayons (Crayola work best)
- 1 box Twistable colored pencils (Crayola work best)
- 1 package black EXPO dry erase markers (fine tip)
- 1 package of loose-leaf paper (college or wide-ruled)
- Headphones that cover the ears (no earbuds please)
- 1 large box of gallon-size zip-top plastic bags
- 1 4-pack of Play-Doh (standard size)
- 2.5lbs Kinetic Sand (Optional, but highly recommended)
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it’s a good idea to stock up on consumable items during the back-to-school sales.
*Please label the backpack, lunchbox, and headphones with your child’s name.*