Health Office

Reminders From The Nurse

  • Please remember to send your child to school with a coat, as all students are required to go outside for recess/PE. If your child cannot participate in Physical Education or Recess, please submit a note excusing your child for the day. If your child needs to be excused for an extended period of time, please submit a doctors note with the reason.
  • Physical Exams are due by October 30th for all new entrant, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades. Please send in your child's physical or contact the Health Office if you have one scheduled with your private physician. We will be conducting physicals in school starting February for those who do not submit a physical. You will be notified in advance of any physical done in school.
  • Dental certificates are also requested in those same years as physicals are required.
  • If your child needs to take medication during the school day, please have your doctor fill out our medication authorization form(click health office documents on right side, or available in the health office), and bring the medication to the nurse in the original container. Children are not allowed to carry medication in school, including over the counter medications.
  • Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted on all new entrants, 1st, 3rd and 5th graders, and will begin in October. Any child who fails the screening will receive a referral to follow up with your physician.
  • Please keep your child home if they are ill. A student must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.

Contact Us

Colleen Davy